Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Journey - The Lessons

This morning I finished reading "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.
What an inspiring and enlightening  book!  It made me think.....

To move forward toward our DREAMS we need to take Action, this gives us experience which then leads to wisdom.

Our journey is Teaching us lessons, giving us the knowledge and skills needed to  live in the moment.

Hence the phrase, "All the answers you seek are within you."

If we haven't Learnt from our experiences we will continue to face that lesson over until wisdom is gained.
Until that wisdom is gained, we cannot move forward and continue the journey toward our dreams.

Life has been Preparing us along the way, it's our fear that is holding us back.

This journey is our gift  and it's our choice what we do with this gift.

Perhaps we can start by being more Present, Loving, and Aware, heck let's toss in some Gratitude too.

Every experience has purpose, meaning and is connected to something much bigger than one another!

Live in Joy - Lisa


  1. What a beautiful post and photo. Makes my heart yearn for the NW where I grew up.

  2. Kari, Thanks for taking the time to view my can look here any time..I will have lot's of NW bring a smile to your face..:) Lisa

  3. I love this post. My favorite part is every experience has purpose. I have always believed that.

    Glad you enjoyed Lessons Learned in Art School. A fun one to write.

    Enjoy your weekend!
